
Welcome to Moor Nook Primary School

At Moor Nook we C. A. R. E.


encourage creativity and inventiveness
promote ambition, aspiration and self-improvement
foster and develop resilience, independence and confidence
establish a culture committed to equality of opportunity
At Moor Nook we:

C creativity
A aspiration
R resilience
E equality
Our purpose is to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by our school values. These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere. They are the basis for the social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development of the whole child enabling them to develop as reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and civil adults.

Moor Nook is a learning community committed to the interests and welfare of its children, their families and all those adults who work in and for the school. Therefore, in addition to the National Curriculum our school is committed to the following principles:

  • high academic standards in all areas of the curriculum especially recognising that high levels of literacy and numeracy are the gateway to successful involvement in, and interaction with, society
  • a broad, balanced and relevant wider curriculum providing opportunities for children to experience, understand and participate in the rich and varied environment in which they exist
  • providing high quality teaching and learning so that children and adults are successful, motivated, enjoy school and are positively engaged with their teaching and learning
  • establishing a safe environment where behaviour, values and attitudes actively promote the welfare of all stakeholders and contributes to a positive learning environment
The team at Moor Nook are skilled, committed and caring. We believe that children are most successful when school and parents work in partnership, so please keep encouraging and supporting your amazing children.

Visitors are always welcome at Moor Nook and, for new or prospective parents, I would warmly encourage you to come and visit us to see what we can offer you and your child.
Suzanne Clough
